Sometimes when I read God's word, I feel overwhelmed with love and encouragement. Other times I'm struck with conviction that burns in my gut. Just when I think I am reading too deeply into a passage, or I am more concerned with man's judgement than that of my Father, the Lord faithfully shows me the weaknesses in my heart.
My flesh is far too easily swayed by this sinful world in which we live. The enemy cleverly and craftily uses the culture to seduce me into believing there is no black and white, only grey. That lie would be easy to swallow if it weren't for God's Word.
There is a delicate balance between being in the world but not of the world; loving my neighbor without shrouding that love in social tolerance. My heart's greatest desire is to love my Lord through obedience to His Word. Many times He draws out of me a love so deeply laden with passion and zeal for His testimonies, and I struggle to contain it. I pray that living out the love I have for my Savior, however pathetic my attemps, brings Him glory and draws others to Him. But there is still a longing to speak truth in love to my sons and daughters, brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as the lost. However, I know my words must come from a humble heart, and sometimes my passion and zeal begin to override humility. I am so grateful that Jesus is my navigator through these mine fields. If I continue to trust His sovereign voice, He will be able to use me in ways I am not able to foresee.
As I seek to daily die to self and live for Christ, the Holy Spirit empowers me to fight the battle that rages on within my flesh. The battle that tells me to keep silent; to speak an unfit word; to fear persecution; to fear being labeled judgemental and legalistic. But, Praise be to God for the encouragement and strength that only comes from Him. He provided the remedy to the disease of this world, the way to overcome sin. Jesus died on the cross, rose from the grave, took His place in Heaven and draws us, His followers, away from the world's allure and into His arms.
Sinful man lives in a corrupt world rescued by a perfect Savior. That is what I must keep in perspective. That is what must motivate my heart into action. C.J. Mahaney beautifully draws the scope of this issue into focus in this excerpt from the book Worldliness, "Meditate on the cross. Consider the wonders of the Savior who died for sinners and rose victorious over sin and death. Dwell where the cries of Clavary are louder than the clamor of the world."
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