Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Simple Sigh

I had just brought a heaping basketful of laundry up to my bedroom to be folded, stacked, and put away. I tipped the basket over, letting the laundry tumble onto my bed, forming the dreaded "Clothes Mountain." I was reminding myself how much I despise doing laundry, or more specifically, putting away laundry. My shoulders were slumped, and I was feeling downright sorry for myself. And then I heard it... All of my sinful thoughts were released in a whispery breath being forced out of my mouth. That quiet sigh might as well have been hooked up to surround sound for the way it echoed in my mind. Isn't it amazing how God uses even a small, seemingly insignificant sound escaping our lips to bring to light the sin in our life? . A simple sigh can uncover a heart of discontentment, anger, bitterness, impatience, pride, disrespect, etc... This sigh exposed an attitude unbecoming of a godly homemaker. When I evaluate my circumstance, I see that I have no reason to allow my heart to fill with these feelings. But I do have every reason to be thankful: I have an abundance of clothing; I have a washer and dryer to assist me in cleaning my clothing, I have a husband who is supportive and encouraging of my role as a homemaker; I am a woman undeserving of God's grace, but am continually showered with it. I pray that God will make each sigh stand out in my mind and use them to remind me of my heart attitude. Although it can be uncomfortable to see my sin exposed, I am thankful that I belong to a God who is sanctifying me day by day.


1 comment:

Braden and Sarah Gogel said...

How true this bell rings for me. Except for me it is dishes... A sigh often says more than 1000 words. Thanks for your thoughts and encouragement!