Imagine the heat of a Tennessee summer evening tingling your skin; the rolling hills yawning with each swoop and stretch; and the insects singing a sweet summer symphony, their unassuming lullaby soothing to the soul. This is just a glimmer of what Tennessee was to hold for me, only a glimpse of the rich nourishment that was to come from this shower of blessings.
On June 18th I began my trek to the Smoky Mountain Christian Village in Sevierville, Tennessee. What this six week adventure was to hold, I had yet to discover. After about a six hour drive, I arrived at my cozy summer home. It was upon my arrival that I met the young woman who would come to be such an encouragement to me, a true lady after God's own heart: Jacquelyn.

Jacquelyn is not your typical, run-of-the-mill woman. She is feisty, inquisitive, and oh so entertaining. Her spunk and passion are contagious and she makes your heart smile. (You should check out her blog:
The Lord continued to bless me with priceless friendships. Andrew and Hunter were the maintenance crew additions for the summer, and what godly men they were! They had such zeal and love for the Lord that you couldn't help but feel the fervor emminating from them. Abbie and Ruthie, two darling Kansan recruits, were like a beam of sunshine in a grey sky. They added so much pizzaz to our little quartet of femininity. I would be working side by side with those two young ladies for my main duty of the summer: kitchen staff.
We were responsible for providing meals for week-long camps for two weeks. Now, I've cooked for ten people, maybe even 12; but that is no comparison to fifty. There was quite a bit of stress and a few messes made, but the additional help we received was wonderful! The camp director, Brock Shinkle, and his wife Annie have two little girls, a little boy, and just added another little man last week. Their two daughters, Emma and Elsie, were such a big help through the weeks. They were so willing to lend a hand and always wanted to know what they could help with.

Miss Elsie
The rest of the summer staff also assisted us in our mealtime duties. I know we were SO thankful for the extra hands!
While we had many responsibilities through the week, we always made time for a little fun. Jacquelyn, in all her brilliance, planned a tea party for all the girls. It was so fun and so cute! We had an exquisite tablescape and all kinds of delicious finger foods.
Ruthie and her moustache cup :)
Emma and Elsie all dolled up for the tea party!
We also had a fun friend to add to our entertainment: Waldo. Waldo was our Japanese transportation adventure, through which I learned to drive a manual for the first time! He was our trusty truck to take us to and fro about the campus and also aided in a pretty epic water balloon fight.
Through the duration of my stay at my home away from home, the Lord opened these droopy eyes to so many vibrant truths. The girls and I did a study on the book of Ruth. We worked through the beginning of the wonderful book "Lady In Waiting." (I highly, and I mean highly, recommend this book for any single woman of any age.) God opened my eyes to idols I had hidden in my heart and renewed my spirit within me. The encouragement I received from all of my fellow servants and the friendships I gained are priceless.
A scripture I have learned to cling to is 1 Corinthians 7:27, 32-35: "Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be loosed. Are you loosed from a wife? Do not seek a wife... But I want you to be without care. He who is unmarried cares for the things of the Lord—how he may please the Lord. But he who is married cares about the things of the world—how he may please his wife. There is a difference between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman cares about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit. But she who is married cares about the things of the world—how she may please her husband. And this I say for your own profit, not that I may put a leash on you, but for what is proper, and that you may serve the Lord without distraction."
My heart's desire is to have a family of my own, but I was made aware through my study of Ruth that my singleness is a blessed time, not a cursed one. God has entrusted me with this time to whole-heartedly serve Him. I have opportunities now that I will not have as a married woman and I want to be a good and faithful steward of my time. Jesus needs to be, has to be, my primary focus and the only God in my life. No man can fill that part of me and now is the time to really solidly establish Christ as the center of my life.

Words seem much too empty in comparison to the fullness I received in my six weeks in Tennessee. In its majestic mountains, its trees so tall and protective, its simplicity, calm and soothing. God is an artist of works refined, an author of words sublime, and a Father of love divine. Behold, what manner of love the Father has given unto us! This love was only deepened and magnified in my short but life-long adventure. My mission to the mountains. My Smoky Mountain Summer.